Cadet CO-OP

This program allows cadets attending high school to obtain CO-OP credits for completing their training year in cadets. Any high school student in any school board (English, French, Catholic, or Public) may participate as long as they have already obtained at least one high school credit or will have one credit by the end of June 2024, and reside in Ontario.

Cadets can obtain up to 4 credits per training year based on the work, participation, and attendance of any cadet activity including mandatory, complementary, and optional training. For every 90 hours logged with cadet related activities, one credit can be granted. You may earn Phys Ed credits, History credits, and Music credits, based on the activities you routinely participate in.

Cadets will be required to complete the pre-placement assignments, a monthly journal entry and a final project to earn the credits. Complete the registration form including your information and signatures from your school guidance department.

For the part of the form that ask for CO and TRG O Contact please use their emails found on the Staff Page.